Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Goes To Taman Ujung Karangasem - Bali

Happy Wednesday !!!

My friend from Balikpapan, Tika, has come to Bali to spent her holiday at Bali too. So, we plan to take a trip to Karangasem. We want to see the Taman Ujung or Water Garden Palace. Someone said that it was a palace for King of Karangasem and his wives (A King always has a lot of women around him, right?)

When we arrive at Taman Ujung
Left to right : Tika, Bayu, Kiki, Nila, Me, Laras, Ipim Indah, Emille ad Hery. Photographer : Ricky
Welove taking picture as "Big Family"
At Balai Kapal
Another picture of Big Family
Taking a picture at Balai Bundar
Focus on that red tree
After that ... we have lunch and continue our day to Centro, Kuta :)

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